Leaning Into Lent
February 27, 2025 | Read Time: 1 min
By: Rev. Mark Sorensen
“Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” – Joel 2:12
I must confess that, growing up, I didn’t attend a church that leaned into the liturgical seasons like Pentecost, Advent or Lent. However, once I stepped into the Methodist church almost 28 years ago, I not only became familiar with these rhythms of the Christian calendar, I also quickly grew to love them. And Lent is one of those seasons that has profoundly shaped my faith.
So, what is Lent, exactly? Lent is a 40-day journey (excluding Sundays) beginning on Ash Wednesday and leading up to Easter. It is a season of reflection, repentance and preparation for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection. It is a sacred time to return to God with our whole hearts, just as the prophet Joel urged God’s people to do. During Lent, we set aside distractions and draw near to the Lord through prayer, fasting and renewal.
Lent is also a season of sacrifice. Many choose to observe it by giving up something or adding a new spiritual practice – both as reminders of Christ’s sacrifice and as parts of an invitation to grow in faith.
Maybe this year, you will fast from social media, caffeine or a habit that distracts your heart from God. Or perhaps you will add something – morning prayer, daily Scripture reading or acts of generosity. Whatever you choose, the goal isn’t just discipline; it’s devotion.
More than anything, Lent is about deepening our relationship with God, drawing closer to His presence, and preparing our hearts for the joy of Easter morning. Because when the journey of Lent ends, we don’t remain in sorrow – it’s quite the opposite: we rejoice! Why? Because Easter reminds us that Christ has overcome sin and death, and because of Him, we have hope, victory and new life.
May this Lenten season lead us all not just to reflection, but to a deeper celebration of all that Jesus has done.
– Mark